About the 2024 PETAA Leading with Literacy Conference

Reading: learning, meaning, pleasure

Empowering Educators, Inspiring Futures 
Our theme, "Reading: learning, meaning, pleasure," promises a dynamic and enriching experience for educators committed to shaping a future where reading is not just taught but passionately embraced. 

Conference highlights

Keynote Addresses by Renowned Academics: 
Immerse yourself in cutting-edge insights from distinguished academics in the field of reading. Gain a deeper understanding of the latest research and best practices in the teaching of reading that drive literacy education forward. 

Explore Strategies for Effective Reading Instruction: 
Discover innovative teaching methods and evidence-based strategies to enhance reading skills in your classroom. From phonics mastery to advanced comprehension skills, empower yourself with tools that make a lasting impact on your students. Engage in workshops led by renowned literacy experts, where you'll gain practical insights into fostering comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, and critical thinking in your young readers.  

Uncover the Meaning: 
Delve into the heart of reading as we explore the theories and practices that unlock meaning in oral, print, digital and multimodal texts, as they occur in different curriculum areas. Engage with the latest research on how to guide your students in extracting meaning from texts, making connections, and becoming active, thoughtful readers. Walk away with tools to make literary, informative and persuasive texts come alive in your classroom. 

Ignite a Love for Reading: 
Learn how to instill a passion for reading in your students. From selecting captivating texts to creating a vibrant reading culture, our sessions on reading for pleasure will explore the role of diverse genres, multimedia, and interactive activities in making reading an enjoyable adventure. Identify your role in a culturally responsive pedagogy where teachers continually reflect on their practices and adapt their instruction to better respect and meet the needs of their diverse student population. 

Who should attend?

All Primary School Teachers: 
Discover classroom-tested strategies that engage young minds in the joy of reading. From decoding skills to fostering comprehension and critical thinking, empower yourself with tools to make literacy come alive in your primary school classroom. 

School leaders: 
Explore leadership strategies that place literacy at the forefront of educational excellence. Learn how effective literacy leadership enhances overall school performance and contributes to a vibrant reading culture. 

Teacher librarians: 
Librarians play a pivotal role in cultivating a love for reading. Explore innovative library practices that captivate readers of all ages. Discover how your library can be a hub of reading enjoyment. 

EAL/D and literacy support teachers: 
We honour the work you do every day by providing you with opportunities to learn and grow from not just experts, but also your peers. Network with fellow educators, literacy experts, and influencers. Engage in thought-provoking discussions on fostering meaningful reading experiences for marginalised students. Share success stories, exchange ideas, and collaborate on initiatives that enhance literacy education in diverse educational settings. Share experiences, engage in collaborative discussions, and leave with a network of support to enhance your literacy teaching journey. 

Literacy Leaders: 
Elevate your role in literacy education and be part of a community dedicated to advancing reading for learning, meaning, and pleasure. The PETAA Leading with Literacy Conference is your gateway to professional growth, collaboration, and the shared mission of transforming lives through literacy. 


Did you know?

PETAA members are eligible for significantly discounted rates to our Conference and have exclusive access to our whole-school online conference access pass. As a member, not only will you be able to enjoy our Conference while being kind to your budget - you will also receive instant access to hundreds of best practice teacher and classroom resources to further develop and evolve your teaching practice.